Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Reboot.

I've been forced to think about a lot of environmental issues in regards to design lately because of recent school projects and that little earth day poster I made for DV8 Salon & Spa. I was given the task of doing a project for school about whatever we wanted. So instead of doing it about music or kung fu or animal rights or some other nerdy thing (well I guess this is nerdy too), I decided to continue with the environmental thing and talk about an issue that is relatively new to me but I think is very important and relevant in today's cyber culture. Har har! This is one element of the project; a poster series. I will also be doing a guerrilla style sticker campaign to slap on old computers and dumpsters telling people the proper way to dispose of electronics, and in store signage which will be a lot like these poster but with more "how to" information on them. I might design a website layout for www.electr-cycle.com as well. (I'm just not sure about the name yet.)

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